Shipping Policy

We want your shopping experience to be the best possible. That's why we sell and ship to all of Europe, the United StatesCanada and Brazil (more countries/regions, coming soon!). Shipping costs are charged to the buyer for each country, except for certain moments throughout the year when we offer free shipping. Keep an eye on our website and social media for these promotions.

After placing your order, it typically takes 3-5 business days to fulfill before shipping out. Delivery times vary depending on your location:

    • USA and Canada: 3-4 business days.
    • Europe: 3-7 business days.
    • Brazil: 3-7 business days.
We work with a global on-demand order fulfillment company for all our orders.

Please note that an additional customs and tax fee may apply to international orders. Unfortunately, this fee is not within our control and is determined by your local customs office. Contact your local customs office to see if any duties and taxes apply to your purchases.

If your order hasn't arrived yet, please first check your shipping confirmation email for any errors in the delivery address. Then, reach out to your local post office to see if they have your package or if it was left with a neighbor. If you've done all this and still haven't received your order, please contact us using the Contact Us link at the top of our website with your order number.

If you have any questions or issues, or need assistance with tracking your order, please contact us using the Contact Us link or email us at . We're here to help and will respond to your message within 24 hours.